Cabinda (province)
5 33 S
12 12 E
Cabo Verde (local name for Cape Verde)
Cape Verde
16 00 N
24 00 W
Cabot Strait
Atlantic Ocean
47 20 N
59 30 W
Caicos Islands
Turks and Caicos Islands
21 56 N
71 58 W
Cairo (capital)
30 03 N
31 15 E
California, Gulf of
Pacific Ocean
28 00 N
112 00 W
Cameroun (local name for Cameroon)
6 00 N
12 00 E
Campbell Island
New Zealand
52 33 S
169 09 E
Campeche, Bay of
Atlantic Ocean
20 00 N
94 00 W
Canal Zone (former name for US possessions in Panama)
9 00 N
79 45 W
Canarias Sea
Atlantic Ocean
28 00 N
16 00 W
Canary Islands
28 00 N
15 30 W
Canberra (capital)
35 17 S
149 08 E
Cancun (city)
21 10 N
86 50 W
Canton (city; now Guangzhou)
23 06 N
113 16 E
Canton Island (Kanton Island)
2 49 S
171 40 W
Cape Juby (region; former name for Southern Morocco)
27 53 N
12 58 W
Cape of Good Hope (cape; also alternate name for Cape Province
of South Africa)
South Africa
34 15 S
18 25 E
Cape Province (region; former name for Northern, Western,
and Eastern Cape Provinces of South Africa)
South Africa
31 30 S
22 30 E
Cape Town (legislative capital)
South Africa
33 57 S
18 28 W
Caracas (capital)
10 30 N
66 56 W
Cargados Carajos Shoals
16 25 S
59 38 E
Caribbean Sea
Atlantic Ocean
15 00 N
73 00 W
Caroline Islands
Federated States of Micronesia, Palau
7 30 N
148 00 E
Carpatho-Ukraine (region; former name for Zakarpats’ka
48 22 N
23 32 E
Carpentaria, Gulf of
Pacific Ocean
14 00 S
139 00 E
Castries (capital)
Saint Lucia
14 01 N
61 00 W
Catalonia (region)
42 00 N
2 00 E
Cato Island
23 15 S
155 32 E
Caucasus (region)
42 00 N
45 00 E
Cayenne (capital)
French Guiana
4 56 N
52 20 W
Celebes (island)
2 00 S
121 00 E
Celebes Sea
Pacific Ocean
3 00 N
122 00 E
Celtic Sea
Atlantic Ocean
51 00 N
6 30 W
Central African Empire (former name for Central African
Central African Republic
7 00 N
21 00 E
Ceram (Seram) Sea
Pacific Ocean
2 30 S
129 30 E
Ceska Republika (local name for Czech Republic)
Czech Republic
49 45 N
15 30 E
Ceskoslovensko (former local name for Czechoslovakia)
Czech Republic, Slovakia
49 00 N
17 30 E
Ceuta (city)
35 53 N
5 19 W
Ceylon (former name for Sri Lanka)
Sri Lanka
7 00 N
81 00 E
Chafarinas, Islas (island)
35 12 N
2 26 W
Chagos Archipelago (Oil Islands)
British Indian Ocean Territory
6 00 S
71 30 E
Challenger Deep (Mariana Trench)
Pacific Ocean
11 22 N
142 36 E
Channel Islands
Guernsey, Jersey
49 20 N
2 20 W
Charlotte Amalie (capital)
Virgin Islands
18 21 N
64 56 W
Chatham Islands
New Zealand
44 00 S
176 30 W
Chechnya (region; also Chechnia)
43 15 N
45 40 E
Cheju Strait
Pacific Ocean
34 00 N
126 30 E
Cheju-do (island)
Korea, South
33 20 N
126 30 E
Chennai (city ; also Madras)
13 04 N
80 16 E
Chesterfield Islands (Iles Chesterfield)
New Caledonia
19 52 S
158 15 E
Chihli, Gulf of (see Bo Hai)
Pacific Ocean
38 30 N
120 00 E
Chiloe (island)
42 50 S
74 00 W
China, People's Republic of
35 00 N
105 00 E
China, Republic of
23 30 N
121 00 E
Chisinau (capital)
47 00 N
28 50 E
Choiseul (island)
Solomon Islands
7 05 S
121 00 E
Choson (local name for North Korea)
North Korea
40 00 N
127 00 E
Christmas Island (Indian Ocean)
10 25 S
105 39 E
Christmas Island (Pacific Ocean; also Kiritimati)
1 52 N
157 20 W
Chukchi Sea
Arctic Ocean
69 00 N
171 00 W
Chuuk Islands (Truk Islands)
Federated States of Micronesia
7 25 N
151 47 W
Cilicia (region)
36 50 N
34 30 E
Ciskei (enclave)
South Africa
33 00 S
27 00 E
Citta del Vaticano (local name for Vatican City)
Holy See
41 54 N
12 27 E
Cochin China (region)
11 00 N
107 00 E
Coco, Isla del (island)
Costa Rica
5 32 N
87 04 W
Cocos Islands
Cocos (Keeling) Islands
12 30 S
96 50 E
Colombo (capital)
Sri Lanka
6 56 N
79 51 E
Colon, Archipielago de (Galapagos Islands)
0 00 N
90 30 W
Commander Islands (Komandorskiye Ostrova)
55 00 N
167 00 E
Comores (local name for Comoros)
12 10 S
44 15 E
Con Son (islands)
8 43 N
106 36 E
Conakry (capital)
9 31 N
13 43 W
Confederatio Helvetica (local name for Switzerland)
47 00 N
8 00 E
Congo (Brazzaville) (former name for Republic of Congo)
Republic of Congo
1 00 S
15 00 E
Congo (Leopoldville) (former name for Democratic Republic
of Congo)
Democratic Republic of Congo
0 00 N
25 00 E
Constantinople (city; former name for Istanbul)
41 01 N
28 58 E
Cook Strait
Pacific Ocean
41 15 S
174 30 E
Copenhagen (capital)
55 40 N
12 35 E
Coral Sea
Pacific Ocean
15 00 S
150 00 E
Corfu (island)
39 40 N
19 45 E
Corinth (region)
37 56 N
22 56 E
Corisco (island)
Equatorial Guinea
0 55 N
9 19 E
Corn Islands (Islas del Maiz)
12 15 N
83 00 W
Corocoro Island
Guyana, Venezuela
3 38 N
66 50 W
Corsica (island; also Corse)
42 00 N
9 00 E
Cosmoledo Group (island group; also Atoll de Cosmoledo)
9 43 S
47 35 E
Cotonou (former capital)
6 21 N
2 26 E
Cotopaxi (volcano)
0 39 S
78 26 W
Courantyne River
Guyana, Suriname
5 57 N
57 06 W
Cozumel (island)
20 30 N
86 55 W
Crete (island)
35 15 N
24 45 E
Crimea (region)
45 00 N
34 00 E
Crimean Peninsula
45 00 N
34 00 E
Crooked Island Passage
Atlantic Ocean
22 55 N
74 35 W
Crozet Islands (Iles Crozet)
French Southern and Antarctic Lands
46 30 S
51 00 E
Cyclades (island group)
37 00 N
25 10 E
Cyrenaica (region)
31 00 N
22 00 E
Czechoslovakia (former name for entity that subsequently
split into Czech Republic and Slovakia)
Czech Republic, Slovakia
49 00 N
18 00 E